Pod resistance of cocoa clones to black pod disease and antifungal properties of phytoextracts against Phytophthora megakarya

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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Pod resistance of cocoa clones to black pod disease and antifungal properties of phytoextracts against Phytophthora megakarya

Joseph Djeugap Fovo, Villavienne Mezok Ntongo, Eric Bertrand Kouam, Fidèle Romuald Amougou Nsouga, Godswill Ntsomboh-Ntsefong
Int. J. Biosci.13( 3), 94-104, September 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In Cameroon, cocoa production is limited by constraints amongst which diseases such as black pod caused by Phytophthora megakarya which is the most aggressive in the country (80% losses). This study was aimed at determining the clonal resistance of six cocoa clones (IMC67, SCA12, TAFO79/501, TAFO79/467 ICS40, SNK13) both in field and Laboratory conditions, and to evaluate the antifungal activity of extracts from three plant species (Allium sativum, Zingiber officinale, Thymus algeriensis) and a product of the African traditional pharmacopoeia (African Panaxia) on the growth of Phytophthora megakarya. The pathogen was isolated on V8 medium and inoculated on pods. Disease incidence was evaluated in the cocoa plantation of the Mengang Production and Experimentation Center. Results show that, clones SCA12 and TAFO79/467 were the least susceptible to black pod disease in field and Lab conditions. African Panaxia, aqueous and ethanolic extracts of T. algeriensis induced total inhibition of P. megakarya at 62.50; 125.0 and 30.0 mg.ml-1, respectively. African Panaxia and ethanolic extracts of T. algeriensis had a fungicidal effect starting at 62.50 and 30.0 mg.ml-1, respectively while the aqueous extract of T. algeriensis had a fungistatic effect at 125.0 mg.ml-1. The study shows that clones SCA12 and TAFO79/467 are more tolerant to cocoa black pod. Moreover, due to their fungicidal effect against P. megakarya, African Panaxia and T. algeriensis extracts could be integrated into a management program against cocoa black pod disease.


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