Popularization of Artificial Agar Resin Deposition and Oil Extraction Techniques Among Bangladeshi Agarwood Planters

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Research Paper 01/11/2020
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Popularization of Artificial Agar Resin Deposition and Oil Extraction Techniques Among Bangladeshi Agarwood Planters

M. Jakir Hossain, M.S. Rahman, S.C. Nath
Int. J. Biosci.17( 5), 20-216, November 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Agar is a highly priced non-timber forest product traded internationally which is extremely rare. Due to the nature of its very low formation, artificial inoculation technologies are becoming more popular. However, due to the international and governmental subsidies and measurements, a lot of plantation sites are available in most all hilly areas of Bangladesh. Most of the planters do not know its inoculation and oil extraction process. In this study, total fifteen hands on training were arranged in different locations of Bangladesh. On an average, a total of thirty five new planters and around five to ten participants from local government representatives, representatives from the Forest Department, Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation, other government officials and NGOs representatives were present in each training. The planters were able to know the artificial agarwood inoculation techniques by traditional iron nailing method, oil extraction process, and their marketing along with garden management.


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