Population dynamics, distribution and control of drosicha mealybug, Drosicha sp. (Homoptera: Coccidae) on willow tree (Salix wilhelmsiana) in district Skardu Gilgit-baltsitan, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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Population dynamics, distribution and control of drosicha mealybug, Drosicha sp. (Homoptera: Coccidae) on willow tree (Salix wilhelmsiana) in district Skardu Gilgit-baltsitan, Pakistan

Syed Arif Hussain Rizvi, Sajjad Ahmed, Kamran Sohail,Muhammad Akbar,Farida Begum, Ghulam Raza, Muhammad Ali, Saleem Jaffar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 3), 265-271, March 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Field experiment was conducted at district Skardu Gilgit Baltistan during year 2014 to record the population dynamics, distribution, control measures and natural enemies associated with Drosicha mealybug on Willow tree (Salix wilhelmsiana). Sticky bands and gunny bag wrapping measures were applied in last week of February. Gunny bag wrappings along mud paste revealed that only 12.33 numbers of mealy bug across in 1st week and 71.76 numbers of mealy bug plant-1 were noted in 4th week March while untreated plants population of mealy bug noted after 1st week was 417.33 and 931 mealy bugs plant-1 after 4th week of March was recorded. Four pesticides Difenthuron, Confidence, Neem and Jozer were applied in month of June 2014 when infestation of mealy bug were highest data were taken after 24th ,48th ,72h ,1st week and 2nd week .Maximum mortality rates were observed after 72 hours by Jozer (Imadachlorpid +actameprid (20.0% 19.8% w/w) caused 47.013 % while Confidence, Neem and Difenthuron caused 11.117 ,4.380 and 6.89 % mortalities respectively. Statistically Jozer was significantly more effective than other three pesticides. Population trend of mealy bug with temperature were correlated and the data revealed that a positive significant correlation (p<0.005) was founded with this showed that temperature greatly affect the population and reproduction of mealy bug in Skardu. The natural enemies so for recorded during the studies were Green lace wing (Chrysoperlla cornea) and lady bird beetle (Sumnius vestitus).


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