Population dynamics of 15 fish species in Grand-Lahou lagoon (West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire)

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Population dynamics of 15 fish species in Grand-Lahou lagoon (West Africa, Côte d’Ivoire)

Coulibaly Bakari, Tah Léonard, Kouadio Konan Justin, Koivogui Pierre, Tidiani Koné, Essétchi paul Kouamélan
Int. J. Biosci.20( 1), 1-11, January 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study described growth, mortality, recruitment patterns and exploitation rates of 15 fish species in Grand-Lahou lagoon (Côte d’Ivoire). Monthly length-frequency data collected from artisanal fisheries from November 2013 to October 2014 were analyzed with FiSAT software using the ELEFAN package to estimate the population parameters of fishes. Asymptotic values for total length (L∞) ranged from 15.75 cm for Synodontis schall to 59.80 cm for Trachinotus teraia. Growth rate (k) varied from 0.19 for Coptodon guineensis to 0.98 for Caranx hippos. The growth performance index estimates were close to the values found by other authors for most of the fish species. The total mortality (Z) high values were recorded for Synodontis schall (Z= 4.15 year-1; M = 2.50 year-1) Schilbe mandibularis (Z= 2.19 year-1; M=1.33 year-1). Fishing mortality (F) and exploitation rate (E) were found to be less than the optimum levels of exploitation for most fish species. The exploitation rate (E) was higher than the maximum sustainable yield (Emax) for Caranx hippos and higher than E0.5 for Eucinostomus melanopterus, Elops lacerta and Synodontis schall. Recruitment was noted as year-round and bimodal for most studied populations. These results demonstrate that some fish stocks necessitate effective management measures particularly C. hippos, E. melanopterus, E. lacerta and S. schall.


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