Population parameters and exploitation of commercial scallop fishery for Chlamys nobilis in Asid Gulf, Philippines

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Population parameters and exploitation of commercial scallop fishery for Chlamys nobilis in Asid Gulf, Philippines

Christian D. Cabiles, Ian Cris R. Buban, Victor S. Soliman, Renan U. Bobiles, Alex P. Camaya
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 118-131, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Many scallop stocks have collapsed few years after their onset of harvesting as a result of unregulated fishing practices. Thus basically, studies on population parameters of exploited species are necessary to understand their states and dynamics that would provide foundation in formulating management scheme for the conservation and protection of the resource. For this study in Asid Gulf (Philippines), 300 specimens of Chlamys nobilis were randomly collected monthly from the catches of hookah divers. Shell height was measured and their length-frequencies were analysed using an objectives length-based computer program. Results of the study demonstrated that the estimated asymptotic length (L) and growth coefficient (K) were 9.82 cm and 0.76 year-1, respectively. All the computed values of fishing mortality (F1=1.50, F2=1.26, F3=1.71) reveal high fishing pressure beyond the optimum resulting to a heavily exploited stock. Recruitment pattern was continuous displaying a single major annual peak event (May) corresponding to the reported major spawning of the species (December to February). The length-at-first-capture (6.28 cm) that is beyond the size-at-first-maturity (5.70-5.89 cm) and the high Fi among the largest scallops (6.0-8.5 cm) support the occurrence of recruitment overfishing. The current exploitation rate (E=0.76), found equal to its maximum exploitation rate (Emax=0.76), suggests the need to regulate harvesting. Appropriate management scheme is urgently needed to sustain the resource. Specifically, a substantial reduction in the current exploitation should be made along the aim of obtaining optimum yields. In addition, exploring the aquaculture potential of this species is recommended.


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