Populations dynamic of Pseudophacopteron spp. (Hemiptera: Phacopteronidae), psyllids pest of Dacryodes edulis (Burseraceae) in Cameroon

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Research Paper 01/07/2014
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Populations dynamic of Pseudophacopteron spp. (Hemiptera: Phacopteronidae), psyllids pest of Dacryodes edulis (Burseraceae) in Cameroon

Indou Mapon Nsangou, Joseph Lebel Tamesse
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 1), 56-73, July 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H. J. Lam (Burseraceae) is an oleiferous plant originated from Central Africa. This plant is cultivated for her fruits rich in proteins and lipids. The tree suffered serious damages caused by insect pests. In Cameroon, four psyllids species feed on D. edulis: Pseudophacopteron tamessei, P. pusillum, P. eastopi and P. serrifer. Larvae of P. eastopi produced fluorescent waxy filament which cover the young leaves of the buds. Larvae of P. tamessei induced the formation of galls on the upper surface of the leaves. The population dynamics of the four species was conducted in a natural secondary forest from May 2010 to April 2012. During this period, we collected adults, eggs and larvae of P. tamessei, P. pusillum and P. eastopi. Only adults of P. serrifer were collected. Pseudophacopteron tamessei was as the major psyllid pest of this plant. Four different generations of P. tamessei have been recorded each year, but during the second year, three generations of P. eastopi and P. pusillum were recorded. Two important generations were recorded in May and September. The number of generations varied from one psyllid species to another and from one year to another. Psyllids populations were correlated to the number of new buds and young shoots. The population dynamic of psyllids of D. edulis depends on the availability of new flushes on host plants. The integrated pest management will take into consideration the main flushing periods of the plant and the outbreak periods of psyllids in the Yaounde region.


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