Potential utilization of reinforced mortar and dissolved high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic waste with used cooking oil as floor tiles: An eco-friendly approach to alternative building material

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Research Paper 11/12/2024
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Potential utilization of reinforced mortar and dissolved high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic waste with used cooking oil as floor tiles: An eco-friendly approach to alternative building material

Rheanie R. Arnuco, Rosanilio M. Yagos
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 6), 117-128, December 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The world is currently confronting a pressing environmental challenge: solid waste management. Among various waste types, plastic particularly high-density polyethylene (HDPE), is of major concern due to its resistance to degradation, often persisting for hundreds or even thousands of years. This accumulation poses significant threats to ecosystems and human health. Recycling presents a viable, sustainable solution. The primary objective of this research is to tackle the issue of plastic waste by developing a practical product that reduces the reliance on mined raw materials in construction. Specifically, the goal was to develop reinforced mortar with Galvanized Wire Mesh (GWM) tiles suitable for construction by incorporating High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic waste and Waste Cooking Oil (WCO). This study sought to evaluate the feasibility of the experimental product by assessing its physical (water absorption and breaking strength and modulus of rupture), mechanical (surface quality), and chemical (stain resistance) properties prescribed by ISO-13006/EN176 standards. Each of the treatments (1, 2, and 3) exhibited positive results in water absorption with the standard of >10%, breaking strength of >600N, modulus of rupture of >35N/mm2 and stain resistance test minimum of class 3. Unfortunately fail to surface quality test due to volumetric shrinkage of the plastic material. The results indicated that Treatment 2 and 3, having treatment ratios of 5.0% WCO, 45.0% HDPE plastic waste, 2.5% GWM, 47.5% mortar, and 10.0% WCO, 40.0% HDPE plastic waste, 2.5% GWM, 47.5% mortar, respectively, where higher proportions of waste cooking oil were utilized, align with the observed improvements in homogeneity and compactness of the samples. Additionally, there doesn’t appear to be a significant difference in the results for each treatment across these different testing characteristics, suggesting that each treatment offered environmental benefits while also presenting a cost-effective option. Further research and development are essential to optimize the performance and suitability of plastic tile materials for broader applications.


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