Potentially beneficial rhizobacteria associated with banana plants in Juja, Kenya

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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Potentially beneficial rhizobacteria associated with banana plants in Juja, Kenya

Onchwari Ruth Gechemba, Nancy L. M. Budambula, Huxley Mae Makonde, Mugweru Julius, Viviene N. Matiru
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 2), 181-188, August 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Climate and its changes have a direct impact on the development of the different hydrobiont species. These effects on aquatic organisms could be either positive or negative. Every species adapts specifically to natural periodic and seasonal changes, however, the response to unexpected climate changes is inconsistent and not always adequate. Climate-related factors could influence food safety via numerous pathways, namely changes in temperature and rainfall, increased frequency and intensity of extreme meteorological phenomena, ocean warming and increased acidity of aquatic habitats, higher pollution level. Climate change could also have a socioeconomical impact on population feeding i.e. agriculture, animal production (aquaculture), global trade, demographic factors and human behaviour. The paper is aimed at describing some of current and future climatic changes and their possible impact on aquatic organisms in general. Global climate influences the ocean, but the ocean also plays an essential role in global climate patterns. Aquatic organisms are actively involved in the turnover of carbon dioxide and other compounds, hence hydrobionts should not be ignored.


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