Potentials of different sources of plant residue ash on chemical properties of an Alfisol, in South-southern, Nigeria

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Research Paper 19/04/2023
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Potentials of different sources of plant residue ash on chemical properties of an Alfisol, in South-southern, Nigeria

CE. Onyibe, SA. Ojobor, OF. Oritsejafor, ER. Benson
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 136-44, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This tryout was conducted at the Delta State University Farm complex, Asaba, Southsouth agro-ecological zone, Nigeria. Objective of the research was focused on the potentials of different sources of plant residue ash on chemical properties for three successive years. This research was mapped out in a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with five treatment, T0 (Control), T1 (Ashes of plantain peels), T2 (Ashes of sand paper leaves), T3 (Ashes of empty palm bunch) and T4 (Ashes of myrianthus leaves) multiplied in three replicates. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus, pH, organic carbon, organic matter, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, exch. acidity, effective cation exchange. capacity and base saturation were chemical properties studied. In all the cropping years, results showed that soils with ash of sand paper leaves (T2) gave the best data determined but was highest in the 3rd cropping year with the following records: 6.8, 20.2 mgkg-1, 1.88 gkg-1 and 18.2 gkg-1, for soil pH, avail. phosphorus, total nitrogen and organic carbon. Recorded values of exch. cations were 7.70, 6.9, 4.05 and 1.12 cmolkg-1 for calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium (Y3). Observed records for exch. acidity indicates that control soil rated higher than the treated soils as 1.44 compared to 1.22 noted in treatment 2 (T2) while effective cation exch. capacity and base saturation. had both 21.3cmolk-1and 94.3% (Y3). Findings of this trial, gave an approval that the use of ashes of sand paper leaves was best when applied to the soil at the rate 100 g/ha, for the increase of chemical properties.


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