Preference value study of the species grazed by sheep in semi-steppe rangelands in west Azerbaijan of Iran using preference value index during the grazing season

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Preference value study of the species grazed by sheep in semi-steppe rangelands in west Azerbaijan of Iran using preference value index during the grazing season

Ahmad Ahmadi, Hassan Yeganeh, Hossein Piry sahragard, Ehsan Zandi Esfahan, Hasan Barati, Elahe Ahmadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 10), 42-51, October 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Management of rangelands is dependent on optimal management of livestock grazing. Selecting an appropriate livestock type is one of the most important management decisions in grazing management of livestock. Considering preference value of plant species available is critical to ensure management’s success in achieving the goals. The present study aimed to investigate and determine preference value of plant species. For this purpose, species selection index was used to determine preference value of range species. Results showed that the effects of month and year were significant at 1% level of probability, while the effect of species was significant at 5% level of probability. Furthermore, among interaction effects, the interaction effects of “year x species” and “year x month x species” were significant at 1% level of probability, also interaction effect of “month x species” was significant at 5% level of probability. Meanwhile, interaction effect of “year x month” was not significant. The maximum and minimum preference values were obtained for “Astragalus effuses” (1.42) and “Ziziphora clinopodioides” (0.49), respectively. The effect of month on preference value was significant at 1% level of probability. The highest and the lowest preference value were recorded for the months of June (1.23) and August (0.50), respectively.


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