Preliminary checklist of desmids from Kokrajhar District, Assam, India

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Research Paper 01/10/2020
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Preliminary checklist of desmids from Kokrajhar District, Assam, India

Raju Das
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 4), 10-20, October 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This paper presents a precursor in the investigation of the desmids of Kokrajhar District, Assam, India. The present study deals with the diversity of desmids from different freshwater habitats of the district. For this study samples were collected randomly from 12 different habitat around the district during January 2018 to April 2019. Seventy one species were observed comprising eleven genera: Actinotaenium (1), Arthrodesmus (3), Bambusina (1), Closterium (12), Cosmarium (16), Desmidium (4), Euastrum (6), Gonatozygon (1), Hyalotheca (1), Micrasterias (6), Netrium (1), Onychonema (1), Penium (1), Pleuroteanium (5), Spirotaenia (1), Staurastrum (6), Triplocerus (1) and Xanthidium (4). Among the observed taxa some appeared to be the new records for the state of Assam, India.


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