Preliminary study of the trace elements, physico-chemical properties and utilization of the salty water spring from Sungkilaw Falls in the Philippines

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Research Paper 19/04/2023
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Preliminary study of the trace elements, physico-chemical properties and utilization of the salty water spring from Sungkilaw Falls in the Philippines

Cinder Dianne L. Tabiolo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 125-135, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study aimed to investigate the physico-chemical and bacteriological properties of the salty water spring at Sungkilaw falls, Brgy. Diwan, Dipolog City, Philippines after a long, rainless and warm period to determine its groundwater chemistry. A single sampling technique was employed to collect water samples, which were analyzed for various parameters such as pH, turbidity, temperature, electrical conductivity, hydrogen sulfide, bicarbonates, sulphates, chlorides, salinity, nitrates, nitrites, fluoride, and phosphates. Trace elements were determined using AAS/ICP-OES method, while coliforms were detected using Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique. Results revealed that the analyzed spring water was slightly acidic with an average temperature and electrical conductivity. It met the maximum permissible limit set by PNSDW for nitrates, nitrites, sulfate, and alkalinity (CaCO3). The water was found to be rich in Fe, Na, Zn, F-, SO4, Pb, Hg, H2S, Ba, and CaCO3. However, the presence of coliforms suggests that the water needs to be treated. Further studies are needed to confirm the possibility of utilizing salty spring water for bath spa projects, considering its enhanced concentration of hydrogen gas. Overall, this study provides valuable information on the quality of the salty water spring in Dipolog City, Philippines which can serve as a basis for future research and water resource management and possible tourism initiatives.


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