Presence of seventeen genes potentially involved in cold tolerance in sugarcane and Saccharum spontaneum genotypes

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Presence of seventeen genes potentially involved in cold tolerance in sugarcane and Saccharum spontaneum genotypes

Shafee Ur Rehman, Khushi Muhammad, youxiong que, Atta Ur Rehman, Evandro Novaes, Sajjad Khan
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 346-355, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Cold is one of the most important stress which effect the growth and productivity of plants. Various pathways and mechanisms are affected by cold stress in plants. In the present work the Genomic DNA of three sugarcane genotypes and another from the wild species Saccharum spontaneum were tested for the presence of 17 candidate’s genes/miRNA involved in cold stress tolerance. Among these genotypes two sugarcane cultivars are cold tolerant, namely CP 85_1491 and SPSG 394, while the CP 77_400 is cold susceptible. Presence of these 17 gene/miRNA was confirmed by PCR and gel electrophoresis. In the genomic DNA of cultivar SPSG 394 all genes were amplified while the CP 85_1491 and S. spontaneum showed amplification for 96% of the genes/miRNAs and low results of these genes were studied in Genotype CP77_400. Therefore we concluded that cultivar SPSG 394 are more cold tolerant.


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