Prevalence and epidemiological parameters of bovine tuberculosis in cattle and buffaloes in district Peshawar, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/04/2017
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Prevalence and epidemiological parameters of bovine tuberculosis in cattle and buffaloes in district Peshawar, Pakistan

Shah Nawaz, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Fida Muhammad Khan, Ziaul Islam
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 263-267, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


A cross sectional study was carried out to find the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis and its various epidemiological parameters in cattle and buffaloes in District Peshawar. A total of 276 animals i.e. 144 cattle and 132 buffaloes were screened in 45 dairy farms, 2 abattoirs and one animal market. The overall prevalence of bovine tuberculosis was founded 7.97% in both cattle and buffaloes while, individually 6.94% and 9.09% prevalence was observed in cattle and buffaloes, respectively. Among the epidemiological parameters, significant relation was founded in age (P=0.040) and BCS (P=0.001), while no significant relation was founded between, specie, sex and pregnancy status of animal with bovine tuberculosis. Specie wise more prevalence was founded in buffaloes (6.94%) as compared to cattle (9.09%). Age wise, 15.78% and 17.77% prevalence was recorded in cattle and buffaloes having age >7 years, respectively. Similarly more prevalance 16.12% and 18.03% was recorded in cattle and buffaloes having BCS<2.25, respectively. As it was the first study conducted in the District Peshawar, it was concluded that bovine tuberculosis is endemic in cattle and buffaloes in the study area. The results indicate that further epidemiological and molecular studies are required to control and eridicate this zoonotic disease to reduce threat to other healthy animals as well as to human population associated with livestock.


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