Prevalence of anemia and spatial correlations among reproductive-age women in northeast India: Investigating spatially associated factors across districts

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Research Paper 08/12/2024
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Prevalence of anemia and spatial correlations among reproductive-age women in northeast India: Investigating spatially associated factors across districts

Sabrina Sultana Rahman, Mukesh Vishwakarma, Pawan Kumar Dubey, Ruma Talukdar
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 299-312, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Anemia, particularly iron deficiency anemia (IDA), is a critical public health issue in Northeast India, a region comprising eight states with unique geographical and socio-economic traits. To analyze the spatial distribution and factors influencing anemia among women of reproductive age in the districts of northeastern India. Descriptive statistics assessed independent variables’ distribution. Spatial patterns of anemia were analyzed using Moran’s I, LISA, and a LISA cluster map. Spatial Lag Model (SLM) and spatial regression models identified regional factors influencing anemia in women. The analysis reveals significant variability in anemia prevalence among women in Northeast India, influenced by socio-demographic factors and dietary habits. Higher anemia risk is linked to being Hindu, poorer, uneducated, or widowed/divorced/separated. Regular vegetable consumption reduces anemia rates, while high fried food intake increases them. High anemia rates are found in 35 districts, notably in Assam, Tripura, parts of Arunachal Pradesh, and small areas of Meghalaya. Clusters of high prevalence are present in 24 districts, including Assam and Tripura, with 22 districts showing slightly elevated rates at a 0.05 significance level. The research highlights regional disparities in anemia prevalence across Northeast India, identifying distinct clusters with high and low rates. It underscores the importance of region-specific strategies to address these variations effectively. By pinpointing critical areas and examining the key factors driving elevated anemia rates, the study lays the foundation for targeted interventions aimed at enhancing women’s health outcomes in the region.


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