Prevalence of coccidiosis in poultry farms in District Chakwal Punjab Pakistan

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Prevalence of coccidiosis in poultry farms in District Chakwal Punjab Pakistan

Qualab Naveed, Rani Faryal, Nargis Aasma Rani, Farooq Ahmad, Bilal Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 425-442, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Coccidiosis is one of the most deadly and costly disease of poultry. In this study prevalence of coccidiosis and different species of Eimeria were studied in organized poultry industry (2013-2017), of District Chakwal, Punjab, Pakistan. From February 2013 to October 2017, 5700 gut and 5700 fecal samples of broiler and Layer chickens suspected for coccidiosis were collected. Overall prevalence of coccidiosis was 59.19% (Gut 55.93% and fecal 62.46%). Seven species of Eimeria were detected. E. tenella was dominant circulatory species and E. brunette was least one. Young flocks show significantly high susceptibility then older. Frequency of coccidiosis in broiler was 50.24% and 9.20% in Layer. There was significant difference in prevalence of coccidiosis in rainy season (August, 85.10%), then dry and hot season (Jun, 44.9%). The prevalence of clinical diseases was 27.97% and 32.36% were subclinical. Prevalence of coccidiosis in rise hull 32.42% and 27.90% in wood shaving. Prevalence of coccidiosis in difference good, normal, and poor management conditions are 14.47%, 17.17%, and 28.5% respectively. In gut and fecal samples similar trend was observed. Study shows coccidiosis was serious problem of local poultry industry. Better management of poultry farms, use of better management technique, bio-security, Stander operating procedure tend to lower outbreaks of disease.


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