Prevalence of hypothyroid disease: A cross sectional study at a higher rate among young male and female population of Balochistan, Pakistan

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Prevalence of hypothyroid disease: A cross sectional study at a higher rate among young male and female population of Balochistan, Pakistan

Saima Masood, Asma Yousafzai, Muhammad Asif, Khush Naseeb Ahamd, Irfan Ali, Neelam Sultan, Abdul Qadir, Rozeena Shaikh, Arif Malik, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa, Abrar Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.9( 4), 305-314, October 2016.
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Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to function adequately as a result the level of thyroid hormone is reducing in body. Thyroid hormones rise up cellular activity across the body generally enhancing metabolism. Iodine deficiency resulting from insufficient intake of dietary iodine is the most common cause of hypothyroidism worldwide. One hundred and ninety seven patients were analyzed by radioimmunoassay in in this study. Out of total 197 hypothyroid patients 167 (84.77%) were female and 30 (15.55%) were male. The estimated male – female ratio were 1:6 respectively. Results show that about 28 (93.33%) male and 147 (88.02%) female were using simple salt while only (23.33%) male and 56 out of 167 females were using iodized salt.

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