Prevalence of trichostrongylus in sheep from the Zhob District, Balochistan

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Research Paper 03/10/2023
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Prevalence of trichostrongylus in sheep from the Zhob District, Balochistan

Naseebullah Kakar, Mohammad Lateef, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir, Daad Khan, Abdul Razzaq, Ashiq Khan, Saadullah Jan
Int. J. Biomol. & Biomed.17( 2), 1-6, October 2023.
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The prevalence of gastrointestinal Trichostrongylid in sheep was studied in District Zhob, Balochistan. A total of 120 gastrointestinal tracts of sheep from the abattoir of District Zhob were collected. These samples were processed for isolation and identification of trichostrongylids nematodes in District Veterinary Hospital Laboratory. The overall prevalence rate was 39.1% in male and 60.8% in female animals. The prevalence rate in two breeds viz Balochi and Rakhshani was 58.3% and 41.6%, respectively. The specie wise prevalence observed was as Trichostrongylus 19.1%, Haemonchus 20.8%, Cooperia 29.1%, and Nematodirus 30.8%. As for as the burden of number of species infested the sheep as single type of parasite was in 32.5% animals, two types of parasite species in 36.3% animals and three types of parasite species in 30.8% animals. Altogether, these results suggest that sheep may act reservoir of Trichostrongylid in Zhob, Balochistan. As such, strict preventive measures should be taken to avoid the risk of mortality and morbidity in sheep in Balochistan.

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