Prevalence of typhoid fever and anemia (low PCV) among patients attending University College Hospital Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria

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Prevalence of typhoid fever and anemia (low PCV) among patients attending University College Hospital Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria

Sherifat Tolulope Akindele, Abiola Omolara Awoderu, Jumoke Bukunola Bilesanmi-Awoderu
Int. J. Micro. Myco.8( 1), 1-7, December 2018.
Certificate: IJMM 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Salmonella typhi and changes in Packed Cell Volume (PCV) for its possible implication in anemia among patients attending University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Two hundred participants (100 male and 100 female inpatients and outpatients) were used for the study; their blood samples were examined for the presence and level of Salmonella typhi antibodies by widal agglutination technique. Out of the 200 blood samples analyzed, 68% were positive while 32% were negative among male, and 46% were positive while 54% were tested negative among female. This study also shows that typhoid fever decreased significantly the PCV levels of the patients with the highest range obtained as 24 -35% compare to normal healthy adult PCV level 40–48%. The implication of the result is that typhoid fever could lead to anemia. Therefore, this study calls for better personal hygienic living, improved environmental sanitation, and to provide adequate health education programme to the general public on the prevalence of Salmonella typhi and anemia.

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