Prevelance of Lyperosomum longicauda Rudolphi, 1809 (Dicrocoeliioidae: Trematoda) from the gallbladder of Turdoides stirata (Aves: Leiothrichidae) at Sindh, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/07/2020
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Prevelance of Lyperosomum longicauda Rudolphi, 1809 (Dicrocoeliioidae: Trematoda) from the gallbladder of Turdoides stirata (Aves: Leiothrichidae) at Sindh, Pakistan

Hakim Ali Sahito, Wali Muhammad Mangrio, Tasneem Kousar, Zafar Hussain Shah, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 1), 93-101, July 2020.
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The present findings are related to report the helminth parasitic infection in Jungle babbler, at District: Naushahro Feroze. Host species were investigated from the month of June to August, 2018. These birds are non-migratory, former friendly, earth colored sibling in habbit but internal visceral organs consisting intensity of parasites. Total (n=16) of T. striata were captured and disected on a weekly basis under laboratory conditions at Department of Zoology, SALU-Khairpur. All found with helminth population of digenean trematode but high prevalence was found in the month of June followed by other months. During surgical examination (n=44) specimens were recovered in the gall bladder of the host, morphologically having tapered ends at terminal body point, forebody is shorter then hind body, protrusible rounded oral suckers but ventral suckers are rounded, maximum width at post-acetabular region, oval-shaped pharynx, short esophagus, diverticular caeca, median-shaped ovary and oblique testes, un-equal bands of lateral vitellaria and dark brown coloured eggs. These features of the worms resemble already identified as; L. longicauda hence; identified as such. This species of fluke was first time recovered from present host and result of present study revealed that it is a new host record from upper Sindh.


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