Probing the Protein Quality of Wheat-Mung Bean Based Weaning Foods Using Rat Bioassay

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Research Paper 01/12/2020
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Probing the Protein Quality of Wheat-Mung Bean Based Weaning Foods Using Rat Bioassay

Faiz-ul-Hassan Shah, Javeria Sadia, Muhammad Sameem Javed, Adnan Amjad, Mohibullah Shah, Ammar Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Jawad, Muhammad Amir
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 241-252, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Protein-energy malnutrition affects children during their vulnerable age of development. Nutritionally balanced weaning foods are the key to attain optimal physical and mental development of the children. In this study, the biological value of proteins in cereal-legume weaning foods was investigated using rat bioassay. The trial was carried out by feeding the respective diets to 5 groups of Sprague Dawley rats (n=6). Feed intake, water intake, body weight was recorded while urinary and faecal outputs were collected and analysed. Weaning food prepared using germinated grains showed the highest values for PER (1.84±0.75), FER (0.04±0.01), NPR (0.95±0.03), RNPR (0.76 ±0.05), PRE (15.2±0.48), AD (97.47±0.12), TD (99.07±0.66), BV (89.67±2.62) and NPU (88.83±2.28) as compared to the other treatments. It was concluded that germination is a promising processing method to enhance the protein quality in weaning foods.


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