Processed snack foods: Their vitamin and mineral composition and percentage contribution to the recommended nutrient intakes (RNI) of school children

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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Processed snack foods: Their vitamin and mineral composition and percentage contribution to the recommended nutrient intakes (RNI) of school children

Milagros C Suyu, Jhoanna B Calubaquib
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 2), 111-124, February 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Proper nutrition is important as children grow, and snack time should be just as healthy and delicious as breakfast, lunch and dinner. The study aimed to evaluate the vitamin and mineral composition of four processed snack foods and to analyze the % RNI contributed by these foods to the daily needs of school children. Moreover, the researchers attempted to identify the most concentrated sources of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, vitamin B9, calcium, and iron among the snack items. Results showed that of the six vitamins evaluated, vitamin A is the only vitamin supplied in ADEQUATE amounts by the four snack items namely Jute-Malabar Nigthshade Pastillas, Banana Blossom Cookies, Malunggay Polvoron, Squash-Carrot Pastiyema. In terms of the minerals, calcium and iron, only Malunggay Polvoron met at least 20% of the RNI for these nutrients for both age groups 4-6 and 7-9 years old. All the four snack items supply at least 20% of the RNI for vitamin A and riboflavin for the two age groups. On the other hand, the snack item with the most dense nutrients is Malunggay Polvoron. Sensorial qualities to include quality characteristics, consumer acceptance as well as their packaging may be conducted. Furthermore, the development of other nutrient-dense snack items with emphasis on the incorporation of leafy and fiber-rich vegetables is encouraged.


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