Production of iron nanoparticle by using Aloe vera gel and studying its effect on Lepidium sativum seed germination

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Production of iron nanoparticle by using Aloe vera gel and studying its effect on Lepidium sativum seed germination

Sundus Hameed Ahmed, Rasha Saatam Hameed, Hassan Thamir, Hashim Kadhum Mohammed, Rana Al- Roomi, Isam Hussain T. Al-Karkhi
Int. J. Biosci.13( 4), 248-255, October 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


To synthesized and characterized green iron nanoparticles extracted from plants. Synthesis of iron bio-nanoparticles was done by using ALoe vera gel water extract as un-reducing agent. Characterization of Iron nanoparticles was performed using UV, XRD, and FTIR. The diameter of iron nanoparticles was about 52 nm.  The effect of the exposure of Aloe vera seeds to iron nanoparticles on germination of Lepidium sativum has been studied. Seeds were exposed to green iron nanoparticles. Germination percentage and root shoot length were calculated. The results showed a reduction in germination percentage on exposure to 1000ppm of green nanoparticles while maximum germination percentage was on application of iron nanoparticles at 500ppm. Root and shoot growth was enhanced under iron nanoparticles application while reduction in root and shoot length was observed on exposure to 1000ppm of nanoparticles and Fe.

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