Productive performance of Achai and crossbred cows under different farm managements in Dir-Kohistan Hindukush Mountanious Range

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Productive performance of Achai and crossbred cows under different farm managements in Dir-Kohistan Hindukush Mountanious Range

Zia ur Rehman Khalil, Abdur Rehman, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Muhammad Saleem, Shakoor Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.16( 3), 576-594, March 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The study was to understand the prevailing knowledge and applied practices regarding factors affecting the productive performance of Achai and Jersey X Achai cows under different farming systems in Hindukush Mountains of Pakistan. During survey, two types of rural housing systems were observed which were termed as rural traditional farming system (RFS) and rural progressive farming (PFS) system on the basis on differences in nutrition, health and general management and breeding planning. Overall, the productive performance of crossbred cows (except CSR) was significantly (P<0.05) better than Achai cows. Comparing different farm managements, both breeds had significantly (P<0.05) better performance in PFS. Regarding factors effect, the DMY, LL and LY was significantly better in good condition Achai cows in PFS particularly during summer season. Parity and age showed no effect on productive performance of Achai cows in any farming system. In crossbred cows, all the studied productive traits were significantly (P<0.05) better during summer season. Adult (4-6 years age) crossbred cows had significantly (P<0.05) higher DMY and LY due to longer LL in their 3rd and 4th parities. On the other side, the daily milk yield, Lactation Length, Lactation Yield and Calf Birth Weight was not affected (P>0.05) by BCS. The study revealed that crossbreeding of Achai cows with Jersey semen and improving farm managements markedly improved the productive performance in study area. Further, the introduction of Achai cows to intensive farm conditions (as in state farm) significantly affected its productive potentials.

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