Productivity and economic performance of different sources of dwarf Saba banana planting materials under field condition

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Research Paper 08/12/2022
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Productivity and economic performance of different sources of dwarf Saba banana planting materials under field condition

Jimson S. Ramirez
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 6), 141-145, December 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The study evaluates the productivity and economic performance of different sources of dwarf Saba banana planting materials under field conditions. Three different sources of planting materials were used in the study: banana suckers, tissue-cultured bananas, and macropropagated banana plantlets. Growth and yield parameters of dwarf Saba banana were observed and analyzed using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) design. Results show that different sources of planting materials significantly shortened the number of days from planting to shoots (p<0.01) and harvest (p<0.01), increased the number of hands per bunch (p<0.05), produced the heaviest hand weight per bunch (p<0.01), and total bunch weight (p<0.01). Moreover, in terms of economic performance, the macropropagated dwarf Saba banana plantlets recorded the highest ROI among the different sources of dwarf Saba banana planting materials used. The findings also suggest that macropropagated dwarf Saba banana performs as well as tissue cultured banana under field conditions and prove the possibility of using macropropagated plantlets as an alternative to tissue cultured planting materials for enhancing yield in dwarf Saba banana cultivars.


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