Productivity of tiger grass (Thysanolaena maxima) as influence by age of bamboo stand in bamboo-based agroforestry

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Research Paper 06/11/2024
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Productivity of tiger grass (Thysanolaena maxima) as influence by age of bamboo stand in bamboo-based agroforestry

Froilan A. Pacris Jr., Marvin V. Baloloy, Romar R. Banadero, Mylene Reondres Ermitanio
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 44-48, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to analyze the influence of bamboo stand in panicle production performance of tiger grass planted in intercrop. The space between bamboo stand was utilized for panicle production while waiting for the bamboo clumps to be fully grown. The study was conducted at Cagayan State University Gonzaga Campus. This study was aimed to determine the average number of panicles after six months, weight of panicles after six months, average number of tillers after six months, and numbers of productive tillers after six months. The experiment was conducted in a single factor experiment in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The treatments used are 3 years bamboo plantation, 5 years bamboo plantation, 7 years bamboo plantation.  The result of the study showed significant results excelled by the 3 years bamboo stand intercrop with tiger grass. Results in average weight (g) of panicles T1 showed highly significant among the treatments observed compare to T2 and T3. This means canopy of the bamboos affects the parameters per treatments. T1 has a bamboo grown for three years and T2 are bamboos grown for 5 years and lastly T3, are bamboos grown for 7 years. The experimental area with three years bamboo stand were still  on progress of panicle collection for broom making.


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