Productivity of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L. ) in biochar-amended soil

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Research Paper 09/11/2024
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Productivity of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L. ) in biochar-amended soil

Princess Joy B. Ticman
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 5), 23-32, November 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to evaluate the performance of watermelon applied with pelletized biochar. Specifically, it aimed to determine the effect of biochar on chemical composition of the soil, determine the effect of biochar on the growth and yield of watermelon, and compute the return of investment of watermelon applied with pelletized biochar. The experiment was conducted from January 30, 2022 to April 07, 2022 at the experimental area of the Institute of Agricultural Technology, Isabela State University, Cauayan Campus, Cauayan City. The different treatments used were: T1- 20-0-0 kg NPK ha-1 (RR based on soil analysis), T2- 10-0-0 kg NPK ha-1 (1/2 RR), T3-20-0-0 kg NPK ha-1 + Pelletized Biochar (3 tons/ha), T4- 10-0-0 kg NPK ha-1 + Pelletized Biochar (3 tons/ha), T5- 3 tons Pelletized Biochar ha-1. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The application of pelletized biochar along with inorganic fertilizer on watermelon improved the chemical properties of the soil. It increased the pH level of the soil and enhanced the availability of macro and micronutrient after it was amended with different biochar. Application of pelletized biochar along with inorganic fertilizer on watermelon production can produced optimum yield and enhanced the growth of the plants. Production of watermelon using biochar in combination with inorganic fertilizer enhanced the return of investment. Based on the result of the study, the following were recommended: The application of pelletized biochar along with inorganic fertilizer was recommended because it enhanced the soil pH, macro and micronutrients of the soil and produced attainable fruit yield. The pelletized biochar as organic soil amendment in combined with inorganic fertilizer was recommended because it improved the growth and yield of watermelon. The pelletized biochar as organic soil amendment along with inorganic fertilizer was recommended because it enhanced the return of investment.


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