Profile of medicinal plant resources in Maskini valley, Distt Dir (Lower) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Profile of medicinal plant resources in Maskini valley, Distt Dir (Lower) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


The study deals with the medicinally important plants of the Maskini valley. The research area is enriched in medicinal plants. The study is carried out in the valley, in order to collect the information regarding local medicinal uses of plants and their potential to be used in international market. The profile is prepared of the indigenous knowledge and for this purpose a questionnaire containing 24 questions was developed and all the 52 villages of the area were visited. Local medicinal plants were observed, people were interviewed, and information collected and data is developed by questionnaire filling method. It is established that within the area about 71 plants belonging to different families are available which are used by the locals for medicinal purposes like Cough, Asthma, Jaundice, Stomach troubles, Constipation, abdominal pain and used as expectorant. The indigenous knowledge about local medicinal plants is documented. It is concluded that for documentation of traditional knowledge about medicinal plants, and their conservation, such research studies should be encouraged in future. Similarly it is also recommended that management measures should be taken by the concerned government departments, Education Research Institutions with the participation of local communities in order to conserve medicinal plants resources from becoming extinct. Therefore it is imperative to encourage and manage the conservation and regeneration of medicinal plants. The reported plants have significant role in primary healthcare of the area and are used for the treatment of different diseases.


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