Project SILONG: Engaging college students in climate change advocacy campaign through the use of social media

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Research Paper 08/06/2023
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Project SILONG: Engaging college students in climate change advocacy campaign through the use of social media

Celeste T. Mercado
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 37-44, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The urgency of climate change mitigation calls for empowering the youth to actively participate in raising awareness and advocating for environmental preservation. This research presents “Project SILONG,” an Environmental Advocacy Plan aimed at engaging college students through social media to address climate change challenges. The objectives of the campaign are to determine the current level of awareness among college students about climate change problems, heighten their awareness on these issues, enable them to employ proactive measures for climate change mitigation, and effectively communicate climate change strategies. The plan targets college students enrolled at Pangasinan State University, many of whom come from low-income families heavily reliant on farming and fishing. Given the vulnerability of their communities to natural disasters and climate impacts, the youth’s involvement becomes crucial. Social media, particularly Facebook, is chosen as the platform due to its widespread use among students, with 92% having active accounts. Key messages emphasize the reality of climate change, the significance of education and youth empowerment, and the potential of social media in driving change. The plan includes strategic posting of educational materials, live-streamed webinars, and contests to increase engagement. Collaboration with environmental organizations and student clubs further amplifies the campaign’s reach. A pilot test involving students and experts resulted in valuable feedback, ensuring the plan’s factualness, accuracy, timeliness, and relevance. The average rating of 14.25 indicates the plan’s efficacy in engaging college students and promoting climate change awareness. The Project SILONG presents a comprehensive and timely advocacy plan to harness the power of social media in mobilizing college students towards climate change mitigation. The plan’s practicality and relevance make it a valuable reference for other advocates aiming to empower the youth for sustainable change. Further, conducting pilot tests with a larger audience is recommended to enhance the plan’s effectiveness and impact. With united efforts and active participation, the youth can play a crucial role in building a climate-resilient society for future generations.


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