Propagation protocol of Pteris vittata L. using spores for phytoremediation

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Research Paper 01/06/2016
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Propagation protocol of Pteris vittata L. using spores for phytoremediation

Dennis A. Apuan, Mary Jean B. Apuan, Teresita R. Perez, Ruby Ellaine Perez, Rene Juna R. Claveria, Augustine Doronila, Mars Tan
Int. J. Biosci.8( 6), 14-21, June 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Pteris vittata has been reported to be a hyperaccumulator of arsenic, and therefore useful in phytoremediation to clean-up arsenic-contaminated soils. Although factors for successful germination of spores have been identified, but information concerning the whole range of steps involved in mass propagating the fern is lacking. Thus, the study was aimed to develop a propagation protocol using spores to produce large number of seedlings. We implemented descriptive research methodologies such as observation and documentation of fern propagation activities in the nursery and conducted experiment following completely randomized designed with three replications. Here, we show that seedlings of Pteris vittata were successfully produced and protocol for its propagation is described.


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