Prospects and challenges of homestead cattle production in the villages of Chapai Nawabganj district in Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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Prospects and challenges of homestead cattle production in the villages of Chapai Nawabganj district in Bangladesh

Farukul Islam, Md. Parvej Alam, Md. Shamsul Hossain, Sinthia Afrin Leena, Md. Rafikul Islam, S. M. Rabiul Hasan
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.9( 6), 44-50, December 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to focus the present livestock scenery with wide prospects and challenges of homestead livestock production in the villages of Chapai Nawabganj district in Bangladesh. A total of 107 households were surveyed with a pre-tested questionnaire through one-to-one interview. Range from 18 to 35 years old people involved in livestock production whom education level were classified as S.S.C (24.30%), H.S.C (56.10%), and B.A. and M.A. (19.60%). By profession householders were farmers (30.80%), businessman (27.10%) and house maker (7.50%). Most of the farmers did not exercise vaccination (88.80%) and de-worming (77.60%) program. They did not cultivate grass (73.80%) for better production. Many of the household owners (36.61%) reared cattle and per household cattle number was 2.06±0.21.  Farmers were not knowledgeable about modern health management of the cattle and they also were not interested to cultivate grasses which are the staple feed for their cattle. Natural mating system was the main way of insemination at rural villages of the studied area. Opinions of farmers were very much positive towards cattle rearing. They pointed the prospects of cattle rearing were: a) high price of beef and milk products and b) easy and participatory husbandry practices at homestead level. On the contrary farmers reported that a) high feed cost, b) lack of health worker and c) lower rate of raw milk price were the major challenges in homestead cattle production under village condition.


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