Prospects for soilless farming in Africa: A review on the aids of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria inoculants in hydroponics

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Prospects for soilless farming in Africa: A review on the aids of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria inoculants in hydroponics

Gumisiriza S. Margaret, Aloo N. Becky, Makumba Billy, Tumuhairwe J. Baptist, Ndakidemi A. Patrick, Mbega R. Ernest
Int. J. Biosci.21( 5), 273-282, November 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Due to the growing population in Africa, there is need to identify farming systems that can increase food productivity for the increasing population. Hydroponic farming presents a viable option for sustainable and climate resilient agricultural production especially in areas faced with environmental challenges such as; limited arable land and has the ability to realize global food security the rising population and urbanization in Africa. However, the supply of plant nutrients in sufficient and sustainable quantities at affordable costs is one of the critical and limiting factors in adoption of hydroponics. Chemical hydroponic fertilizers that are often used are not only environmentally unfriendly but also costly and less-readily available. As such, alternative crop fertilization mechanisms like the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as inoculants in hydroponics are not only an environmentally feasible but also economical solution for countries in Africa. There are numerous studies regarding this crop-fertilization mechanism, but these mainly refer to controlled environment such as; green-houses, and field tests. Their use in hydroponic farming is still largely unexploited. This review highlights the nutrient requirements, types and benefits of hydroponics in addition to unraveling the potential that PGPR inoculants hold as a sustainable and economical fertilizer alternative in hydroponics.

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