Protective effect of lectins extracted from Eucalyptus globules against LPS induced renal oxidative stress

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Research Paper 03/09/2022
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Protective effect of lectins extracted from Eucalyptus globules against LPS induced renal oxidative stress

Sana Boufeker, Ahlem Bahi, Imen Torch, Youcef Necib
Int. J. Biosci.21( 3), 1-7, September 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study will highlight the potential protective role of a new lectin extracted from Eucalyptus globulesn lipopolysaccharide-induced renal inflammation using kidney tissue lipid peroxidation, GSH levels, SOD, GSH-Px, and catalase activities to assess the effects of lectin of Eucalyplus globuls on LPS-induced oxidative and renal stress. PS administration led to a significantly reduced GSH level, SOD, GSH-Px, and catalase activity in kidney tissue, as well as higher lipid peroxidation levels .in addition, LPS therapy resulted in a significant increase in kidney weight and a drop in overall weight. Treatment with lectin of Eucalyplus globuls significantly moderated the damaging consequences of LPS on oxidative stress biomarkers and reduced the histological alterations in the kidney produced byLPS. Our findings suggest that the lectin of Eucalyplus globuls may protect rats from nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress caused by LPS.

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