Protective effect of Pistacia integerrima galls in nimesulide induced acute hepatorenal toxicity

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Protective effect of Pistacia integerrima galls in nimesulide induced acute hepatorenal toxicity

Saeed Ahmad, Mir Azam Khan, Haji Bahadar, Abdullah, Muhammad Umar Farooq
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 612-622, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Herbal medicines have a long history of use in the management of different diseases owing to economy and relatively with few or no adverse effects. Due to the presence of antioxidant potential, Pistacia integerrima has been used for various health problems. The objective of the current study was to assess the protective role of the methanolic extract of Pistacia integerrima galls at different doses, in the acute toxicity of nimesulide on hepatorenal function. A filtered and dried methanolic (99.8%) extract of galls of Pistacia Integerrima was obtained. Rabbits were used as animal model for this study. Vitamin-C and silymarin were used as standard drugs. The result showed that nimesulide at 15mg/kg/day dose elevated the ALT level of liver within seven days of administration as compared to normal group (p˂0.05). Among all the groups, administered with methanolic extract of Pistacia integerrima galls at different doses (100, 300 and 500mg/kg/day respectively), the group at a dose of 300mg/kg/day, have shown some protective effect in the hepatotoxicity as compared to silymarin (control group) p˂0.05. The renal function is affected insignificantly in the acute toxicity induced by nimesulide at 15mg/kg/day as compared to normal and other groups (p˃0.05). A moderate increase was observed in the level of TLC in nimesulide-only group as compared to normal. It shows that Pistacia Integerrima galls possess potential of reversing the toxic effect, induced by nimesulide with respect to hepatic and renal functions.


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