Protective role of methanolic extract of medicinal plants in paracetamol induced toxicity in laying hens

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Protective role of methanolic extract of medicinal plants in paracetamol induced toxicity in laying hens

Muhammad Mushtaq, Naila Chand, Umer Saddique, Sarzamin Khan
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 527-539, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The study was designed to assess the hepato-nephro protective role of indigenous medicinal plants in paracetamol induced toxicity in layers. A total of 165 laying birds were reared and alienated into 11 groups with 3 replicates each. The group G-1 was considered as negative control, while G-II was positive control and the other groups were fed with different doses of medicinal plants methonolic extracts@ 1, 100 and 1000 mg/Kg b.w. Toxicity was induced through paracetamol @ 750 mg/Kg b.w. Toxicity was measured by evaluating the hepatic specific biomarkers (ALT, AST, ALP and serum Protein). Gross histopathology of liver and kidney was performed to evaluate the curative potential of medicinal plants against paracetamol toxicity. Results of this study revealed that liver biomarkers in the birds treated with paracetamol showed elevated trend (AST=51.66, ALT=40.00, ALP=4385 and serum protein 4.89 IU/L) indicating severe hepatic damage. However, in G-4 fed with @ 100 mg/kg b.w methanolic extract of Terminalia arjuna showed significant reduction in liver biomarkers (AST=18.00, ALT=15.00, ALP=2350.33 and serum protein 9.03 IU/L). This low trend of liver biomarkers indicating that plant extract help in restoring the normal functional ability of the hepatocytes. Histological section of liver and kidney in G-1 showed significant pathological changes included hydopic degeneration, fatty infiltration, hemorrhages and leukocytic infiltration in liver section. The renal section revealedmild glomerulo-tubular degeneration changes with mild leukocytic infiltration. However, in the birds treated with T. arjuna@ 100 mg/kg b.w positive response with maximum regenerative potential. It was concluded that the methanolic extract of Terminalia arjuna @ 100 mg/kg have a significant hepato-nephroprotective response against paracetamol induce toxicity.

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