Proximate composition of dried banana fruit peel fermented with endophytic fungi associated with bamboo

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Proximate composition of dried banana fruit peel fermented with endophytic fungi associated with bamboo

John Christopher L. Frias, Jerwin R. Undan, Mary Jhane G. Valentino
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 322-326, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Seven endophytic fungi (Cladosporium cladosporioides, Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillium citrinum, Monascusruber, Fusarium semitectum, Fusarium sp.1 and Fusarium sp. 2) associated with bamboo were tested to determine their effect on the proximate composition of banana fruit peel after 20 days of fermentation. Reduction in crude protein, ash, crude fat and crude fiber content of banana fruit peel were recorded while increment in moisture content was noted. The initial crude protein content of dried banana peel of 7.82% was reduced up to 5.66% after fermentation with M. ruber.  Meanwhile, C. cladosporioides obtained highest ash content among the fungal treated banana peel of 21.55% followed by the A. ochraceus of 20.53%. For the moisture content, M. ruber and the Fusarium sp. 2 recorded the highest moisture content of 37.11%. Reduction of crude fat and fiber, the least of which were recorded Fusarium sp. 1 treated banana peel of 9.45% and 8.55%, respectively. Thus, the possible production of proteolytic enzymes, lipase and cellulolytic by the fungal endophytes.


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