Public health implications of microbial contamination of restaurant tables in Abraka

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Public health implications of microbial contamination of restaurant tables in Abraka

Omotejohwo Emily Okolosi-Patani, Christiana Orevaoghene Akpo, Obataze J. Akpoyovwere, Cyril Egbuche
Int. J. Biosci.22( 2), 148-155, February 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Foodborne diseases include an array of illnesses triggered by the ingestion of foods contaminated with microorganisms or chemicals, and the area where people eat is one of the significant sites from where microorganisms find their way into food. This study is aimed to microbiologically evaluate the table surfaces of some local restaurants within Abraka, Delta state. A total of fifteen samples collected from fifteen random restaurants within Abraka, Delta State, were evaluated for their microbial quality using standard procedures. The Bacteria counts ranged from 2.5 × 105 to 7.0 ×106 (CFU/ml), while the fungal counts ranged from 5.0 × 104 to 4.7 × 106 (CFU/ml). Microorganisms isolated were Enterobacter spp (13.33%), Staphylococcus aureus (53.33%), Staphylococcus spp (66.67%), Klebsiella spp (20.00%), Aspergillus spp (6.67%), Candida albicans (40.00%) and Trichophyton spp (6.67%). The result of this study showed a high prevalence of pathogenic organisms present on the tested table surfaces which include Candida albicans and Staphylococcus spp etc. The result revealed a high microbial count suggesting an increased possibility of cross-contamination which could lead to various gastrointestinal infections that can give rise to health hazards and also place an economic strain on the population. To curb this, there is a need for government legislation to be put in place to enforce proper microbial safety within all forms of food processing and handling facilities.


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