Qualitative agro-morphological character diversity of similar or duplicate named rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm of Bangladesh

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Qualitative agro-morphological character diversity of similar or duplicate named rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm of Bangladesh

Mir Sharf Uddin Ahmed, Mohammed Khalequzzaman, Md. Khairul Bashar, A.K.M. Shamsuddin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 4), 51-61, October 2015.
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Twenty-one similar or duplicate named Kartiksail rice of Bangladesh were studied for 21 qualitative agro-morphological characters at BRRI during T. Aman 2009-11 seasons. Only the presence and shape of ligule showed no variation. The genotypes showed strong surface pubescence on penultimate leaf blade (57%), erect type flag leaf (81%) and lateral tiller (71%), no anthocyanin color in nodes (86%) straw color of apiculus (76%) and awnless (81%) grain and late and slow type leaf senescence (71%), respectively. Again, four types of leaf blade (pale green, green, purple tip and purple margin), five types of lemma and palea (yellowish to straw, gold and or gold furrows on straw, brown spots/furrows on straw, brown and light purple on straw) and four types of apiculus (straw, gold, brown and purple) were observed among the germplasm. The studied germplasm also showed features for developing varieties with unique identification like KS14 had purple (medium) color in basal leaf sheath, KS5 had purple tip and KS14 had purple margin leaf blade, KS5 and KS6 had purple stigma and apiculus, KS5 had brown (tawny) lemma and palea. Besides, many germplasm had strong hairs on leaf blade surface for developing tolerant varieties against leaf surface infestations. Besides, the genotypes including BR4 and BR23 were grouped into two clusters by the UPGMA clustering method, where cluster II had the maximum genotypes (20). It revealed that accession no 438 and 539 were duplicated. Finally, the Kartiksail land races though having similar or duplicate names showed unique variability for safe conservation.


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