Qualitative classification and determining pollution sources of Iran’s Talkherud river using multivariate statistical methods

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Qualitative classification and determining pollution sources of Iran’s Talkherud river using multivariate statistical methods

Ebrahim Fataei, Hamed Hassan Pour Kourandeh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 8), 156-164, August 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


This researchwas carried out for qualitative evaluation of Talkherud which is located in northwest Iran in East Azerbaijan Province. The sampling has been conducted on 13 physical and chemical parameters at eight stations within one year. The results obtained from the measurements were analyzed using multivariate cluster analysis (CA). With respect to the obtained results of cluster analysis, the studied stations were divided into three groups: (a) High Pollution(HP), (b) Middle Pollution(MP), and (c) Low Pollution (LP). The stations which were alike in amount of pollution fell into one group. This showed the difference in pollution sources and the amount of pollution in different regions of the river. The study of the differences between the mentioned groups shows, that in terms of assessed parameters, there is no significant difference between the stations in each cluster. While based on most assessment parameters, there was a significant difference among the clusters at the 5% and 1% probability levels. The total results of this study show the usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques in the interpretation of multiple datasets, qualitative evaluation of water, and the identification of pollution sources and causes.


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