Qualitative phytochemical screening, micronutrients and heavy metal evaluation of Oat milk (Avena sativa)

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Research Paper 17/04/2023
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Qualitative phytochemical screening, micronutrients and heavy metal evaluation of Oat milk (Avena sativa)

Onyeloni Sunday Onyemali, Etoh Akporuvwetere Prosper
Int. J. Biosci.22( 4), 103-107, April 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Oat (Avena sativa), originally used as animal feeds is a cereal with both nutritional and therapeutic effects. This study as designed to investigate the phytochemical constituents, the presence of some micronutrients and heavy metals in oat milk. The Oat milk (Quaker oat®) was purchased in a supermarket in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria and extracted using soxhlet apparatus with 80% methanol as soxhlet. The extract was then lyophilized slowly dried in an oven at 40°C and analyzed for the presence of phytochemicals using standard methods. Sample digestion for micronutrient and heavy metal determination was done with about 2 g of the sample measured into a digestion flask previously soaked in 20% HNO3 for 24 hrs using a mixture of 2 ml of conc. HClO4 and 12 ml of conc. NHO3. The digested sample was analyzed for the presence of some micronutrients (Zn, Se, Cu, Co, Ni) and heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Cd, Fe) using atomic absorption spectrometry. The study shows the presence of the following phytochemicals; alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, steroids, cardiac glycosides, reducing sugar, protein and carbohydrates. Micronutrients detected in the sample were Zn (12.02mg/kg), Se (0.08mg/kg), Cu (60±0.60mg/kg), Co (0.008±0.11mg/kg), Ni (0.10±0.02mg/kg) and heavy metals include; Pb (0.36±0.02g/kg), Cr (0.01±0.02 g/kg), Cd (0.04±0.01 g/kg), Fe (119.4±0.02g/kg). The micronutrient meets the requirements for the RDA and the detected heavy metals concentrations were above the permissible limit of WHO.


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