Quality examination of drinking water: a cause study of water filtration plants installed at Hyderabad city, Sindh, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2014
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Quality examination of drinking water: a cause study of water filtration plants installed at Hyderabad city, Sindh, Pakistan

A.M. Rind, A.A. Mastoi, G.M.Mastoi, K.F.Almani, A.A.Hullio, A.R.Somroo, S.Mallah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 3), 289-295, March 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


A study was carried out to evaluate the quality of water supplied by water filtration plants installed by tahseel municipal authority and Hyderabad development authority. A total of 14 plants were selected on the basis of their functionality in the different location of Hyderabad city. The sole objective of this study was to assess the quality of drinking water provided by water filtration plants to common citizens. A total 14 water samples were collected from different filtration plants and were analyzed for i.e. pH, electric conductivity, total dissolve solid, salinity, dissolve oxygen, chloride, total hardness, nitrate, chemical oxygen demand, iron and coliform test. It was observed that only one sample out of 14 filtration plants was meeting the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS).


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