Quantification of above-ground carbon stock and sequestration potential of beach agoho (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) forest stand at Barangay Bugtongbato, Ibajay, Aklan, Philippines

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Research Paper 11/09/2023
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Quantification of above-ground carbon stock and sequestration potential of beach agoho (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) forest stand at Barangay Bugtongbato, Ibajay, Aklan, Philippines

Hanson Rey D. Vallejo, Raffy L. Tano
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 3), 116-123, September 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study analyzes the contribution of Casuarina equisetifolia L. stands in climate change mitigation efforts. The research aimed to quantify the above-ground biomass, carbon stock, and sequestered carbon dioxide of C. equisetifolia L. in a four-hectare stand located in Bugtongbato, Ibajay, Aklan. Non-destructive sampling methods were employed to measure each individual tree in a hundred percent tree inventory, and an allometric equation was used for calculations. A total of 1,380 individuals of C. equisetifolia L. were recorded, with estimated above-ground biomass and carbon stock amounts of 334.47Mg and 150.51Mg, respectively. The study revealed that the C. equisetifolia potential stand sequestered approximately 552.38Mg of CO2. Interestingly, the carbon stock sequestration potential of the stand was found to be higher in the 30cm below diameter class than that of the 31cm above diameter class. Based on the study’s results and conclusion, it is recommended to develop a carbon accounting methodology specific to the Philippines.


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