Quantitative vegetation analysis of Agoo Eco-park in Sta. Rita West Agoo, La, Union using grid-based mapping

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Research Paper 05/08/2023
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Quantitative vegetation analysis of Agoo Eco-park in Sta. Rita West Agoo, La, Union using grid-based mapping

Robelyn S. Lizardo, Ginalyn G. Laron, Derick T. Boado, Beatriz E. Aspiras
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 2), 47-55, August 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The quantitative vegetation analysis in Agoo Ecopark is assessed. This study is aimed to identify the plants present and classify them based on distribution, conservation status, and their ecological indices. This study also assessed the soil physicochemical composition. A quantitative and naturalistic observation was employed. Transect sample was used to obtain samples. There were 17 plants identified, 7 are native, 4 are naturalized, 3 exotics,1 cultivated, and 2 undocumented. Sonneratia alba recorded the highest Importance Value Index (IVI), the dominant plant family are the Fabaceae. Seven of the plants found are also native species and only two species are exotic. Moreover, this study shows that native species are dominant in the sampled area over exotic species. This study also shows that the soil conditions tolerable for the identified plants are extremely low Phosphorus, extremely high Potassium, normal pH range, which is acidic, and lightly textured due to the high presence of sand, and electrical conductivity which is non-saline. It is highly recommended that the Agoo Eco-park may be evaluated against other locations with the same ecosystem and a complete enumeration of vegetation may also be considered to create better results.


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