Reading preference of Filipino farm magazine readers

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Reading preference of Filipino farm magazine readers


Communication is an important element in influencing the people for innovation and modernization of society. Farm magazines serve as a conduit of communication particular among farming communities since it is essential for the success of agricultural information to create interest and motivation among farming communities to increase agricultural information and adoption level of technologies for productivity. This study employed a descriptive research design to assess the quality reading preference of agricultural magazines. A total of 50 farmers was sampled as research participants. Results of the study showed that most of the Filipino farmer-respondents prefer magazines with topics on organic agriculture. They have a very high preference for farm magazines written in their local languages, with relevant and timely scientific data, presented with useful information. Most of the respondents spent 30-60 minutes reading farm magazines every day. A majority expressed the problem on the use of scientific terms and difficult terms among farm magazines. Further, the majority suggested publishing information in vernacular basis as it would facilitate better understanding and would create interest and attract to capture their attention and respondents can get the needed information appropriate to them. Findings of this study will be the basis for farm magazines for improvement with respect to various quality dimensions and effectiveness intended for local farmer-readers.


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