Recent advances in bone graft substitute for oral and maxillofacial applications: a review

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Recent advances in bone graft substitute for oral and maxillofacial applications: a review

N.M. Al-Namnam, Soher Nagi Jayash
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 70-94, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Bone grafts are generally used to promote new bone formation and guided tissue regeneration. It’s more commonly used in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction. To review and update of the biomedical application and clinical outcomes of most used bone graft substitutes in different procedures: sinus elevation, socket preservation and alveolar bone augmentation. A literature review was conducted using MEDLINE, MEDPILOT and SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS. It concentrated on manuscripts and overviews published in the last seventeen years (2000-2017). The key terms employed were names of natural and synthetics different recants bone graft scaffold substitutes, growths factors, stem cell and their combinations. The results of clinical studies and animal trials were emphasized. Clinical evidence of BMPs application and dosage remains limited and controversial results on osteconductivity of Ca-P bone substitute’s application are present.  The alveolar ride preservation and implant position after extraction depend on the attentive surgery procedure and the properties of using materials which capable to maintain the prior space and be helpful in implant support and bone tissue regeneration. Novel materials will likely to build up on innovative polymeric platforms with controlled biophysical and biological properties that enable the targeted delivery of growth factors and cells.


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