Reducing pollution in newly reclaimed sandy saline soils due to wheat nitrogen fertilization by using natural and safety substances

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Research Paper 01/08/2014
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Reducing pollution in newly reclaimed sandy saline soils due to wheat nitrogen fertilization by using natural and safety substances

S.E. Seadh, W.A.E. Abido
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 2), 11-21, August 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to explore the possibility of enhancing wheat productivity by using natural and safety substances under newly reclaimed soils conditions, an experiment was conducted at the Experimental Station Farm in Kalabsho and Zayian, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt, during 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 seasons. A strip-split plot design with four replicates was used. The vertical plots were assigned to soaking seed treatments (untreated seed, soaking seed in water, yeast extract, humic acid and the mixture of yeast extract and humic acid). The Horizontal plots were devoted to foliar spraying with same aforementioned treatments. The sub – plots were allocated to nitrogen levels (70, 90 and 110 kg N/fed). Soaking seeds in mixture of yeast extract and humic acid produced highest values of all studied characters compared with other soaking seed treatments. Foliar spraying with mixture of yeast extract and humic acid resulted the highest values of growth, yield components, grain and straw yields as well as grains quality. Mineral fertilizing with 110 kg N/fed produced highest values of all studied characters. In general, fertilizing with 90 kg N/fed came in the second rank with little differences. It could be recommended that fertilizing wheat plants with 90 kg N/fed (saved 20 kg N/fed) and soaking seeds in mixture of yeast extract at rate of 100 ml/Liter and humic acid at rate of 5 ml Actosol/Liter in addition foliar spraying plants with the same mixture under conditions of newly reclaimed sandy saline soils (Kalabsho and Zayian region, Dakahlia, Egypt).

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