Reducing water demands by adopting harvesting and recycling techniques in Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Reducing water demands by adopting harvesting and recycling techniques in Pakistan

H. Ishtiaq, R. Osama, MA. Furqan, U. Zakir, A. Hamza, A. Shehryar, M. Arsalan, W. Aruba
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 4), 79-88, April 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Pakistan, being a semi-arid region of the world, is experiencing water scarcity as a major issue. There is need to find easy-to-adopt ways for mitigating freshwater needs. These include rainwater harvesting (RWH) and greywater recycling techniques. Both greywater and rainwater harvesting techniques are very important to be practiced and applied in water scarce areas of Pakistan. Two cases have been considered in a study area in Islamabad. In case-1 (row houses), 44% potable water requirements have been instantly reduced by recycling 22% less contaminated greywater and using 22% rainwater harvesting. In case-2 (apartment blocks), 25.71% potable water requirements have been instantly reduced by recycling 19.50% less contaminated greywater and by using 6.21% rainwater harvesting. The study reveals that more greywater water could be recycled in case-1 than in case-2; more rainwater could be harvested in case-1 than in case-2 as far as need for mitigation of potable water is concerned. However, more recycled greywater is available for external landscape irrigation in case-2 than in case-1. In water scarce regions, case-1 (row houses) is more preferred than case-2 (vertical apartment houses).


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