Regulatory mechanisms in the interaction between plants and pathogens – a proteomics approach

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Regulatory mechanisms in the interaction between plants and pathogens – a proteomics approach

Atefe Kahe, Mahmoud Toorchi, a Sanaz Adalatzadeh-Aghdam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 192-200, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Plants respond to stresses with inductive responses. Induction responses include chemical and structural defense responses that only activate after pathogen attack. Cellular responses greatly coordinated and with identification of pathogens and transduction pathways cause to minimize contamination. Regulatory mechanisms in the interaction between plants and pathogens are complex and dynamic. Proteomics techniques due to identification of new proteins in relation with their role are useful for understanding these regulatory networks. Proteomics is a careful method to study proteins especially expression, structure and molecular role of them. The goal of this technique is identification and description of all proteins expresses in a biological system.


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