Relation analyse of TSS with abundance of gastropods using Landsat Sattelite imagery in nongsa beach batam

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Research Paper 01/02/2017
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Relation analyse of TSS with abundance of gastropods using Landsat Sattelite imagery in nongsa beach batam

Suryanti, Agus Hartoko, Ryan Kartika Saria
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 2), 213-219, February 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Nongsa beach, residing in Nongsa Regency, Batam City is a territory whose economy’s began developing by marine tourism. These activities will certainly have a negative impact to the condition of waters in Nongsa beach. One of the consequences is the decreasing of Gastropods population which has the most important role in aquatic ecosystem and is the bio-indicator of the waters. The purpose of this research is to know the composition and density of gastropods and to know the relation among TSS, sedimen fractions and organic matter with density of gastropods in Nongsa beach Batam. TSS and sedimen fractions contained in the bottom substrate are closely related to gastropods, because a kind of sedimen is a habitat preference for gastropods. Nutrients used by gastropods for feeding is needed to survive. TSS analysis can be used by satellite imagery procession. Landsat data was used to determine the concentration of TSS up to 25 meters deep. Using satellite imagery can simplify and accelerate of data analysis process. The statistics result of the validation test shows the coefficient of determination (R²=0.6662), which indicates the TSS concentration extracted from satellite images data of Landsat determined 66.6% the conditions in field. This research used the descriptive method and purposive sampling method to determine the object which was suitable with the purpose. TSS concentration are between 0,092 – 0,11mg/l. Various kinds of gastropods were found from Famili Strombidae, Muricidae, Neritidae, Ceritidae, Potamididae, Terrebridaedan Phasianellidae.


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