Relationship between body mass index and vitamin D status, age, and sex in Saudi Arabia

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Research Paper 01/07/2021
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Relationship between body mass index and vitamin D status, age, and sex in Saudi Arabia

Sahar Abdulaziz Al Sedairy
Int. J. Biosci.19( 1), 65-74, June 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Obesity and vitamin D deficiency are closely linked issues that have negative health consequences for people of all ages. The objective of this study was to analyze the connotation between body mass index and vitamin D status, age and sex in Saudi Arabia. Most participants (n = 37; 67.27%) were female, and the age of 61.82% of all participants (n = 34) who participated in the study were lesser than 40 years. The BMI of only 21 (38.18%) participants was normal and other participants were either overweight (36.36%) or obese (25.46%). A significant relationship (p ≤0.05) has been found between vitamin D status and BMI for subjects > 40 years. Among females, a significant relationship (p ≤0.05) has been observed between vitamin D status and BMI. A significant (p ≤0.01) positive correlation has been observed between BMI and age in subjects >40 years while a significant (p ≤0.05) negative correlation has been observed between BMI and vitamin D. A significant (p ≤0.01) positive correlation has been observed between age and BMI in females. In summary, this study shows that females had lower vitamin D concentrations than males among the different classes of BMI.


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